Highlighted Features
Configurable Payout Periods
Are you in need of more than one payout period? The latest version of NATS includes customizable payout periods that can be set up for your Affiliates. You can configure 1 or many custom periods to fit your needs.
Payout configurations allow Admins to specify when NATS will build payments for Affiliates. In previous versions you were only able to specify 1 period for all your affiliates. But now, you can make as many custom payouts as you like with the following settings:
Admins can configure multiple payout periods
Payout Frequency - Payouts can be configured in one of four ways: once a month, multiple times a month, weekly, or every number of days.
Payout Delay - The payout delay, the number of periods the payments are delayed, is used to provide time to account for refunds in Affiliates' payouts.
Enabled / Default: Allow your periods to be used for an affiliate, and/or if it is the default period for new affiliates.
Once the payout periods are set, Admins may set specific Affiliates to use a payout by either setting the list of enabled Affiliates in the Payments Admin( ) or the Affiliate's payout period in the Affiliates Admin( ).
Further details in regards to these configurable payout periods can be found in our online documentation here.
Available Security Configurations for NATS Admin
Available Security configurations in NATS allow the program owner to ensure security of their Admins, Affiliates, and Members. Available Configurations in NATS include restrictions on Admin IPs, Encryption of emails or other personal data, and Throttling to address hits to the same page multiple times from the same IP address. All of these Configurations are found within the NATS Configuration Admin( ) under the section "Security".
IP restrictions are set within area labeled "Admin IPs". These restrictions include the configuration variables, ADMIN_IPS and ADMIN_API_ALLOWED_IPS. Each of these configuration variables accepts a list of IP addresses separated by commas(,). If you leave a configuration variables blank, all IP addresses will be allowed for that setting.
- ADMIN_IPS - This restricts access to the Admin area pages in your installation to the list of IP addresses provided. Anyone attempting to use an Admin page outside of the list will be redirected back to the main Affiliate page.
- ADMIN_API_ALLOWED_IPS - This restricts what IP addresses can utilize/access the NATS API of your installation. Setting this will ensure only approved IPs can use this feature.
Encrypting Membership or Affiliate data is set within the area labeled "Data Encryption". It includes options to encrypt membership email, password, firstname, lastname, Affiliate Information, and Affiliate Payvia information. Turning these configurations on will tell NATS encrypt this data moving forward. If you need any old information encrypted, please put in a support ticket with us.
IP limitations are set in the Configuration Admin
Throttling allows for you to set limitations on how often a particular page can be accessed within a given time period. The pages that include this restriction are the membership approval page, upgrade plus, upsell plus, token plus, package plus, cancel plus, and the duplicate.php page. Each of these pages has settings to set whether you want to have this feature turned on, the number of attempts you wish to allow, and the time frame in seconds you want NATS to check for duplicate requests. In addition to these settings you can set
THROTTLE_WHITE_LIST_IPS and THROTTLE_BLACK_LIST_IPS which are lists of IP addresses that respectively allow to skip or fail throttle checks immediately.
Further details on Security configuration options can be found in our online documentation here. Further information on setting up and configuring Throttling can be found here.
Email Settings
The latest version of NATS includes settings which control the details used when NATS sends out emails to Members, Affiliates, Account Reps, Site Partners, and the Owner. Emails to members and affiliates can even be controlled on a per site bases. This allows program owners to control details such as the From and Reply-to Email addressed used and details regarding how emails are sent out.
In the "Emails" Configuration Admin ( ), you will be presented with "General Settings", as well as separate sections for each account type. The "General Settings" are used if any of the account type settings are not filled out. For each account type, you have the following details available:
Email Settings can be set on a per Site basis
- EMAIL_FROM_ / EMAIL_FROM_NICE_ - This is the email address and the name for the "From" field in an email.
- EMAIL_REPLY_ / EMAIL_REPLY_NICE_ - This is the email address and the name for the "Reply-To" field in an email.
- EMAIL_SEND_METHOD_ - Allows you to choose how to send out emails between "PHP Default Method", "Qmail", and "CUSTOM SMTP".
- EMAIL_SMTP_ information - These are the access details used if you choose to use "CUSTOM SMTP".
- EMAIL_BCC_TO_ - This allows you to list an email address you would like these emails to be blind carbon copied to.
In addition to the fields set in the Configuration Admin, you can set "From" and "Reply-To" details specific for your sites. Within the Sites Admin, edit( ) your sites and click on the link "Show Settings" next to either "Member Email Site Settings" or "Affiliate Email Site Settings". These settings allow you to set specific information to be used for emails to your Members or Affiliates on a per site bases.
Further information in regards to these features can be found in our online documentation.
Content of the Day Module
COTD Allows Owners to provide Rotating Content
Available to be purchased for NATS installations is the Content of the Day(COTD) Adtool type. This new Adtool type will allow Affiliates to grab linkcodes, which, on a recurring basis, will be automatically update by NATS to display new content without the need for your Affiliates to change the code.
Once the module is purchase, you would go to your Adtools Admin( ) and click on the "View Adtools"( ) icon to be able to add a new COTD adtool. You would provide details such as the Name, Type of content, Frequency of update, the Frequency type(Minutes,Hours,Days,Weeks,Months), the template used, and which sites the Adtool will be available for. Once added, you can add, remove, organize, or disable content associated to this COTD adtool by clicking on the "Set up COTD content"( ) icon. When affiliates retrieve the COTD adtool, they would receive a HTML Image link which they can then put on their page and will display the currently set COTD content.
Content of the Day is an additional module which can be added to NATS by program owners for a fee of $200 outright or leased for $10 a month. To purchase this module, please put in a support ticket with us. Once purchased more details in regards to setting up COTD can be found in our online documentation.