Highlighted Features
Member Loginlog NATS 4
Have you ever wanted to know if your Members have logged in or from where? NATS can record the member's IP address and time of login and display this information on the membership details page. Each member will have this data recorded under their member details in the "Login log" table. Login data is recorded through either a post to a script or a call to the NATS API system. Both of these recording options are available in the latest version of NATS.
Admins can see when a member logs in and from what IP.
To record this, you will need to post specific information to the NATS script member_loginlog.php at the time the member logs in to your members area. Included in your post should be the username, the IP address and site ID of the member you wish to record. Access to this script is restricted for security reasons so you will need to add the membership server's ip address to the SECURE_IPS configuration array (located in config.php). Your host, server Admin, or our support technicians can assist with this. More details regarding this feature can be found in our documentation article.
As of version of NATS, member logging can be recorded using a call to the NATS API system. Using the API key obtained in the NATS database, you can make a post using a SOAP call with the username, IP address, and site ID of the member they wish to record. To allow posts to your NATS API, you need to add the IP of the sending system to the ADMIN_API_ALLOWED_IPS list, found in the Configuration Admin under the "Security" section. Further details regarding the use of this feature can be found in our documentation article.
Secure Trading integration(NATS 4)
The payment processor Secure Trading has now been integrated as a gateway biller. This biller has been integrated to process credit card, check and other transaction types. To become a merchant with Secure Trading please visit their website here . If you would like to have this biller added or your NATS installation upgraded, please submit a support ticket here. Once a merchant, and Secure Trading is installed in NATS, you can view our set up documentation found here.