The innovative new cash payment option DeclineCash© provides Merchants one last chance to convert declined credit card customers. All Merchants have declined credit cards, and now there is a solution to capture these lost joins - THE CASCADE ENDS HERE© - and it's a cinch to add in NATS.
For Merchants, it's simple and offers only an upside. Once integrated, DeclineCash© is positioned at the end of your cascade and if a credit card is declined, the customer is offered the option to pay USING REAL CASH, at a local retailer. Imagine increasing your business 5% or more from the customers who were already leaving your site because of a declined credit card. The cash payment option is currently operating in the US market, and the large emerging markets of Russia and Brazil. Canada will be added next. Customers actually pay cash at over 700,000 payment centers worldwide, gaining immediate site access...AND REMEMBER, THERE ARE NO REFUNDS OR CHARGEBACKS.
We programmed the cash option for cascade billing so Merchants could 'decline-to-cash.' It has been wildly successful because Merchants realize, "Why wouldn't they do it?"
For Merchants selling high-cost or hard goods, including cam sites where chargebacks can produce a devastating result, they can also choose to offer the standard Netcash Pay-with-Cash option by simply placing a "Pay-with-Cash" button on their checkout page. Subscription Merchants are offering extended access to members' areas and adapting pricing to match. What percentage of your transactions are declined? Utilizing the Pay-with-Cash option, Merchants can convert credit card declines into paying customers at the same cost as processing a credit card.

You have US, Russian and Brazilian Traffic. Help these users pay with cash. 80+% of your Russian and Brazilian users do not have credit cards or bank accounts, and you may not be processing credit cards for these users at all. Capture US users concerned with identity and financial fraud and theft, or those who simply do not have credit cards. Let these users pay with cash! - up-front, NO declines, refunds or chargebacks... "Did I say how easy it is to add in NATS?"
To capture those potential cash customers on your sites, contact JoeD at: