Do you want to limit access to certain pages in NATS for certain types of users, such as a designer, account representative or site partner? NATS 4 allows admins to set users to pre-defined access levels for account types such as Affiliate( ), Account Rep( ), Customer Service Rep( ), Site Partner( ), Sub-Admin ), TMM Admin( ), and Full Admin( ). Clicking the account access level icon on the left hand side of the Affiliate Admin will allow Admins to change the permission level. For each access type above the Affiliate level, Admins can customize the permissions of the user in order to fit the needs of that user.  Admins can add or remove pages from display and restrict actions
For the access types of Account Rep, Site Partner and TMM Admin, restrictions are made so that these account types will only see information related to them. For example, Account Reps are only able to see Affiliates who have been assigned to them in the Affiliates Admin. Also, Site Partners can only see Members and Report data for the site(s) of which they are a partner. Finally, TMM Admins are only able to log in to a NATS installation from the Too Much Media IP addresses that are set in the Configuration Admin, under the Security section, labeled TMM_ADMIN_IPS.
For access levels above the Affiliate level, any permission exceptions can be set for a user's specific account. (This includes enabling or disabling access to particular Admin Pages, views within an Admin page from displaying and allowing or removing the ability to perform a specific action within an admin page.)  Certain Admin pages allow limiting specific views
In addition to settings for a specific page, Admins can set global settings for their users which include the ability to edit affiliates and the ability to override as an affiliate.
For further information in regards to setting Affiliate access permissions, please visit our wiki article here